Reference from Day 1

Reference from Day 1

Setting Up the Project

After first watching a few introductory videos to Geometry Nodes, I went in Blender and made a spline! How exciting.


So far, this is the general shape I want to end up with. This would need just a circle’s profile following a spline curve, and then capped off with hemispheres.


Taking the simplest possible approach, we end up with a node group and a result that looks something like this. This instance some UV spheres at the endpoints of the curve. While this theoretically gets us what we “want”, there are a few problems with it.




We end up with geometry looking like the left. Very unoptimized, with half of the endpoints going unseen. Additionally, we should rotate these UV spheres so that the poles aren’t the ones intersecting with the rest of the thread.

I spent most of the day doing some applications and homework, so this will be tackled in Day 3!